Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grilled walleye recipies

The prosecution will question aides to former President Roh Moo-hyun Tuesday afternoon about the leak of classified presidential data. Prosecutors summoned three former presidential aides sued by the National Archives. The questioning will focus on how they brought classified data out of the presidential office and whether they violated the law when doing so. Prosecutors will attempt to discover whether Roh explicitly ordered the data leak. Investigators seized two computer servers used by the former president in a raid of the IT service company Onse Telecom
Source link: http://english.kbs.co.kr/news/newsview_sub.php?menu=2&key=2008080512

Jennifer Wilmes, registered dietitian with the National Fisheries Institute, says she encourages people to branch out not just for new taste experiences but because it's a healthy move for consumers to try to eat fish the recommended two times per week. 'Broccoli is great, but it's not the only vegetable. It's good to add variety to every food category because you'll add a broader mix of nutrients,' she says.
For instance, salmon contains ultra- high levels of omega-3 fatty acids linked to an ocean of health benefits, from boosting brain function to preventing heart attacks and migraines. Less oily fish such as grouper and cod are lower in calories than salmon, and sea bass is also a leaner choice
Source link: http://www.ajc.com/news/content/health/stories/2008/08/04/fish_quota.html


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